International Display Workshops General Incorporated Association

4:40 PM - 5:00 PM

[VHF3/FMC3-1 (Invited)] Can we maintain space constancy in virtual environments?

*Richard HY SO1, Phoebe ML Ching1, Teric TT Chan1, Jerry Jia2 (1.The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology (China), 2.Facebook Reality Laboratory (United States of America))

Virtual Reality , lens distortion , space constancy , Dynamic distortion, VOR

Users of Virtual Reality (VR) expect to see space-stabilized scenes when they explore virtual environments with combined head and eye movements. Like our experience in real world, users expect space-constancy during head and eye movements. This talk will present a study to demonstrate the break-down of space-constancy during vestibule-ocular reflexes in VR.