International Display Workshops General Incorporated Association

17:40 〜 18:00

[VHF3/FMC3-4L] Effect of Pixel Aperture Ratio on Subjective Spatial Resolution

*Keita Nakamura1、Midori Tanaka1、Takahiko Horiuchi1、Kenichiro Masaoka2,3 (1.Chiba University (Japan)、2.NHK Science & Technology Research Laboratories (Japan)、3.NHK Engineering System, Inc. (Japan))

pixel aperture ratio, spatial resolution, modulation transfer function

We conducted a psychophysical experiment to evaluate the subjective spatial resolution of random dot stimuli with different pixel aperture ratios. It was confirmed that even at an angular resolution of 30 cycles per degree, which corresponds to the standard viewing condition, the pixel aperture ratio affects the subjective spatial resolution.