International Display Workshops General Incorporated Association

15:50 〜 16:10

[3D2/3DSA2-4] Multi-view DFD (Depth-Fused 3D) Rendering with Linear Blending

*Yuto Morishita1, Munekazu Date2, Haruki Mizushina1, Shiro Suyama1, Kenji Yamamoto1 (1. Tokushima University (Japan), 2. Tokushima Bunri University (Japan))

Multiview display, Stereoscopic display, DFD, Linear Blending

The usefulness of Multi-view DFD rendering with linear blending is demonstrated. A combination of Multi-view DFD rendering and linear blending was considered to reduce the number of cameras in stacked multi-view display. The depth of 3D images was evaluated at several camera-to-camera distance.