International Display Workshops General Incorporated Association

[3DSAp1-9] Light Field Display Based on Monocular Stereo Vision

*Song Fang1, Haofeng Zhang1, Tianhong Wang1, Jing Zhang1, Jiangbo Yao2, Xin Zhang2 (1. Shenzhen China Star Optoelectronics Semiconductor Display Technology Co. Ltd (China), 2. TCL China Star Optoelectronics Display Technology Co. Ltd (China))

Light field display, Monocular stereo vision, Super multi view, Parallax continuity, Viewpoint interval

The existence of monocular stereo vision can effectively alleviate vergence-accommodation-conflict, at the same time, it can also enrich the stereoscopic information and improve the quality of 3D performance. On the basis of the binocular parallax depth clue, the accommodation depth clue can be used to see a more natural 3D display effect. The light field display proposed in this paper is based on monocular stereo ...