International Display Workshops General Incorporated Association

[3DSAp1-13L] A Study on the Effect of Total Variation Regularizer in Voxel Grid-based Radiance Field

*Sangwoon Kwak1,2, Jun-Young Jeong1, Joonsoo Kim1, Gwangsoon Lee1, Won-Sik Cheong1, Hyon-Gon Choo1, Munchurl Kim2 (1. Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (Korea), 2. Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (Korea))

Novel View Synthesis, Neural Radiance Field, Grid-based Radiance Field

In this paper, we consider a voxel grid-based radiance field framework for representing 3D static scene. One of the representative frameworks, Plenoxels, utilizes a total variation regularizer to effectively remove artifacts by encouraging similarity of features between neighboring voxels. This term is combined with the existing reconstruction loss through a weighted sum, but finding a well-balanced weight parameter can be challenging. To address this issue, ...