International Display Workshops General Incorporated Association

[3DSAp2-14L] Height Adjustment of Directional Volumetric Displays Using Deep Learning

*Yuta Fukumoto1, Takashi Nishitsuji2, Naoto Hoshikawa3, Hirotaka Nakayama4, Tomoyoshi Shimobaba1, Tomoyoshi Ito1, Atsushi Shiraki1 (1. Chiba University (Japan), 2. Toho University (Japan), 3. University of Tsukuba (Japan), 4. National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (Japan))

volumetric display, directional image, deep learning, media art

The directional volumetric display, which uses threads, and a projector has an issue in that the irradiation position's height changes depending on the depth at which the thread is placed, even if the height of ray is the same. In this study, the afore-mentioned problem was solved using deep learning.