International Display Workshops General Incorporated Association

[AMDp1-11L] Effect of Barrier Layer Properties of LTPS TFT Devices on AMOLED Short-term Image Sticking Performance

*Xuyang Zhang1, Fa-Hsyang Chen3, Zidong Guo1, Mengsen Wang1, Yinghai Ma2, Xiang Liu2, Rubo Xing1, Junfeng Li1 (1. Hefei Visionox Technology Co.,Ltd. (China), 2. Yungu (Gu'an) Technology Co.,Ltd. (China), 3. Kunshan Govisionox Optoelectronics Co., Ltd. (China))

LTPS TFTs, AMOLED, short-term image sticking, barrier layer, surface roughness

As evidenced by our correlation analysis, reducing barrier layer roughness enhances AMOLED short-term image sticking performance. The results of microwave photoconductivity and interface trap density test demonstrated an reduced defect state density of polysilicon as the roughness of barrier layer decreased, leading to improved short-term image sticking performance.