International Display Workshops General Incorporated Association

5:30 PM - 5:50 PM

[DES3-2 (Invited)] Development of 8K Laparoscopic Surgery System with Real-Time Telementoring and Analysis of its Effectiveness

*Takayuki Ito1, Yukihide Kanemitsu2, Konosuke Moritani2, Hiroshi Shimamoto1, Yasuaki Kanatsugu1, Jun'ichi Yamazaki1, Jun'ichi Tachino1, Katsuhito Kameda1 (1. NHK Foundation Inc. (Japan), 2. National Cancer Center Hospital (Japan))

8K, laparoscopic surgery system, telementoring, 5G

This paper describes an 8K laparoscopic surgery system with real-time telementoring. It provides live 8K video of a laparoscopic surgery via a communication network to an experienced doctor, who returns instructions to less-experienced doctors operating on-site. We give an outline of the system and describe the results of an evaluation.