International Display Workshops General Incorporated Association

11:10 AM - 11:30 AM

[FLX3-2] Scalable Active-Matrix Flexible mini-LED Displays with Organic Single-Crystal TFTs

*Jun Takeya1,2,3,4, Tatsuyuki Makita2,3,4, Junto Tsurumi2,3,4, Mina Tanizawa1,3 (1. Organo-Circuit Inc. (Japan), 2. P- Crystal Inc. (Japan), 3. SFiDA (Japan), 4. The University of Tokyo (Japan))

Flexible LED display, Organic active matrix, Organic TFT, Large-area display

We present a scalable flexible active-matrix mini-LED display, which consists of bezelless 3-mm pitch 30 cm x 30 cm independently operating modules. The backplane is based on high-performance organic single-crystal TFTs laminated on screen-printed large-area plastic substrates. The devices are best suited to the application for large-area signages.