International Display Workshops General Incorporated Association

[FMCp2-7] Fabrication Process of Metal-Assisted Chemical Etched Curved Mirror Structure for Extracting Surface Plasmon Polariton Mode of Top-Emitting Organic LED

*Jun-Young Park1, Jiwon Seok1, Seonghyeon Park1, Seo Hyun Song1, Jong Seong Lee1, Young Wook Park2, Byeong-Kwon Ju1 (1. Korea University (Korea), 2. Sun Moon University (Korea))

Metal-assisted Chemical Etching, Top-emitting Organic Light-emitting Diode, Surface Plasmon Polariton mode, Light Extraction

A curved mirror structure for extracting the surface plasmon polariton mode of the top-emitting organic light-emitting diode was successfully fabricated. The metal-assisted chemical etching technique is suggested for a novel and easy fabrication process. Furthermore, an optical simulation was conducted to find the optimized diameter, pitch, and height.