International Display Workshops General Incorporated Association

1:50 PM - 2:10 PM

[INP3/LCT6-2] Pixel-wise Phase-shifting Incoherent Digital Holography with a Liquid Crystal Lens

*Teruyoshi Nobukawa1, Masahiro Usui1, Yutaro Katano1, Masahide Goto1, Kei Hagiwara1, Tetsuhiko Muroi1 (1. Japan Broadcasting Corporation (Japan))

3D imaging, incoherent holography, digital holography, liquid crystal lens, polarization

Pixel-wise phase-shifting incoherent digital holography with a liquid crystal lens is proposed and demonstrated. The system incorporates the linear birefringence property of the lens to introduce shear for self-interference. Proof-of-principle experiments confirm the 3D imaging capability of the prototype system under incoherent light.