International Display Workshops General Incorporated Association

[ISTp1-4] Chicken Flock Response Health Evaluation System Based on Laser Stimulation and Deep Learning Technique

*Chun-Chen Huang1, Rui-Xiang Zhou1, Chia-Wei Su1, Ying-Chieh Chen1, Yan-Siang Chen1, Yao-Chuan Tsai1 (1. National Chung Hsing University (Taiwan))

Deep learning, Chicken flock, Responsiveness, Activity level, Laser

The study utilizes laser to stimulate chicken activity changes for evaluating health status by deep learning techniques. System consists of embedded system, galvo scanning, camera monitoring, laser. When low activity, laser apply on test within response. As the results, difference responsiveness (P<0.001) when stimulation healthy chicks with temporary low activity.