International Display Workshops General Incorporated Association

9:00 AM - 9:20 AM

[LCT4-1] A Novel LCD without PI Process

*Min Li1, Xiaoli Yang1, Kaijun Liu1, Yang Pu1, Jeff Chou1, Jinn Hung1, James Hsu1, Wade Chen1 (1. Chongqing HKC Optoelectronics Technology,Co.,Ltd (China))

PI-less LCD, IS, contrast ratio

In this paper, we reported a novel 32-inch LCD manufactured by G8.6 without PI process. The color chromaticity, color gamut and IS of PI-less LCD were nearly the same as traditional LCD. Besides, it can reach a 6.83%Tr (3.06% increase than traditional LCD), and 5313:1 contrast ratio(21.05% increase than traditional LCD).