International Display Workshops General Incorporated Association

09:40 〜 10:00

[LCT9-3L] Advanced Liquid Crystals with Low Loss Tangent and Fast Response for Intelligent Reflecting Surface Antennas

*Toru Fujisawa1, Hiroyasu Sato1, Wataru Ishikawa1, Hiraku Toshima1, Yasuo Yamamoto1, Masakazu Nakatani1, Takahiro Ishinabe1, Hideo Fujikake1, Qiang Chen1 (1. Tohoku University (Japan))

Loss tangent, Dielectric constant, Frequency dispersion, Intelligent reflecting surfaces, Gigahertz region

We investigate liquid crystals to be suitable for a reflective antenna. The method for evaluation of liquid crystals in gigahertz is presented. Low loss tangent reaching closely to 0.01 and short decay time in switching response were achieved simultaneously by introducing compounds having para-terphenyl group without polar groups.