International Display Workshops General Incorporated Association

13:50 〜 14:10

[MVS4/3DSA9/3D9-2] Real-time MIV Player for Metaverse Service

*Hong-Chang Shin1, Gwangsoon Lee1, Won-Sik Cheong1, Hyun-gon Choo1 (1. Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (Korea))

Immersive video, MIV, Metaverse

The MPEG-I Visual group is currently working on standardization efforts related to 3DoF+ video generation technology with the aim of providing immersive video services under the name MPEG Immersive Video (MIV). Immersive video technology, which combines multiple camera footage to synthesize scenes in virtual space and reproduce lifelike videos, is closely related to reality-based metaverse services. In this paper, we introduce the core technology of ...