International Display Workshops General Incorporated Association

11:10 AM - 11:30 AM

[OLED1-2 (Invited)] Optimizing Plasmonic PHOLEDs for Efficiency, Stability, and Angular Profile

*Michael Fusella1, Nicholas J. Thompson1, Renata Saramak1, Haridas Mundoor1, Vinod M. Menon1, Michael S. Weaver1, Julia J. Brown1 (1. Universal Display Corporation (United States of America))

OLED, Plasmonics, Stability, Angular dependence

We demonstrate green, yellow, and red top-emitting phosphorescent organic light emitting devices with Lambertian emission profiles and minimal color shift exceeding 20% external quantum efficiency. This is achieved through intentionally coupling exciton energy to the plasmon mode and then recovering the energy with a nanoparticle-based out-coupling structure.