International Display Workshops General Incorporated Association

11:30 AM - 11:50 AM

[OLED1-3] Three Trade-Off Models Between Efficiency and Lifetime in Thermally Activated Delayed Fluorescence Based OLEDs

*Nobuto Managaki1, Takahiro Ushikubo1, Hayata Aoki1, Masashi Tsubuku1, Hiroyuki Kimura1 (1. Japan Display Inc. (Japan))

OLED, TADF, Hyperfluorescence, Efficiency, Lifetime

High-performance green hyperfluorescence device features were achieved in commercially available color coordinates, adjusting carrier balances, host films and other layer structures, based on trade-off models between efficiency and lifetime in thermally activated delayed fluorescence. The models containing triplet-triplet annihilation, fast and slow energy transfers, current flows, were discussed.