International Display Workshops General Incorporated Association

13:50 〜 14:10

[OLED2-2 (Invited)] Highly Efficient and Narrowband Emission for BT.2020

*Junji Adachi1, Shuo-Hsien Cheng1, Hayato Kakizoe1, Ayataka Endo1 (1. Kyulux Inc. (Japan))

TADF, Hyperfluorescence, OLED, BT.2020, Emissive Material

Hyperfluorescence (HF) is an emitting mechanism which combines TADF as an assistant dopant and fluorescence as a terminal emitter. RGB HF provided a wide color space which covered 95% of BT.2020 without sacrificing efficiency. This significant result was enabled by ultrahigh color purity by its narrow FWHM, smaller than 20 nm, in all RGB colors.