International Display Workshops General Incorporated Association

5:30 PM - 5:50 PM

[OLED4-2 (Invited)] Engineering Polarization-Induced Efficiency Loss in OLEDs via Processing Conditions and Stack Architecture

Siliang He1, Evgeny Pakhomenkno1, *Russell J. Holmes1 (1. University of Minnesota (United States of America))

OLEDs, exciton quenching, spontaneous orientation polarization, SOP, molecular orientation

Peak OLED efficiency is generally considered in the absence of bimolecular quenching. Recent work has challenged this notion, with observations of exciton-polaron quenching at low-bias caused by spontaneous orientation polarization (SOP). Here, we examine how SOP-induced quenching can be mitigated via judicious choice of film processing conditions and stack architecture.