International Display Workshops General Incorporated Association

11:10 AM - 11:30 AM

[OLED6/PH4-2] Synthesis of High Efficient InP Based Quantum Dot by Reactivity Control of Zinc Precursors

*Yunhee Park1, Jongmoon Shin1, Changmin Lee1 (1. DUKSAN Neolux Co,.Ltd. (Korea))

Quantum dot, InP QD, Color conversion, Display material

The Cd-free quantum dots such as InP have been spotlighted for the high efficiency photo-luminance display. To synthesize high quality optical properties of InP QDs, controlling reactivity of core growth is important factor. This study suggest zinc oxo clusters, which can suppressing the rapid depletion of highly reactive phosphorus source resulting in size-focused of core. The zinc oxo clusters confirmed by MALDI-TOF and showed improved ...