International Display Workshops General Incorporated Association

15:10 〜 15:30

[PRJ2/VHF2-2] Construction of Immersive Art Space Using Mirror Display and Its Preliminary Evaluation

*Ryohei Nakatsu1, Naoko Tosa1, Yunian Pang1, Satoshi Niiyama2, Tatsuya Munaka3, Yoshiyuki Ueda1, Masafumi Furuta3, Michio Nomura1 (1. Kyoto University (Japan), 2. AGC Inc. (Japan), 3. Shimadzu Corporation (Japan))

Immersive space, Art space, Mirror display, Psychological evaluation

We have constructed an immersive space that gives people a sense of being in a vast, immersive space by using mirror displays. In addition, we selected an artwork created by one of the authors and conducted a psychological experiment to evaluate the results of displaying the artwork in the space.