International Display Workshops General Incorporated Association

14:10 〜 14:30

[VHF4-3L] Thermofiber: a Non-Contact, Head-Mounted Spatial Thermal Display Using Visible Light Heating by Optical Fibers

*Masahiro Nishizawa1, Masamitsu Harasawa1, Takuya Handa1, Kazuteru Komine1 (1. Japan Broadcasting Corp. (Japan))

themal display, head-mounted display, non-contact heating, visible light, spatial thermal sensation

Enhancing virtual realities (VR) immersion involves incorporating non-audio-visual sensations. This study introduces a non-contact thermal display attached to a head-mounted display, utilizing visible light heating through optical fibers. Users can experience spatial thermal sensations in VR, accurately perceiving the virtual heat source locations, which was assessed through a psychological experiment.