International Display Workshops General Incorporated Association

435 results (341 - 350)

[MEET5-2 (Invited)] Electroluminescent Display Technology with Quantum Dot Pixel Patterns Enabled by Click Chemistry and Photocleavable DNA

*Shruti Jayaprakash Saiji1, Manuel A Triana1,2, Nayan P Agarwal4, Ashwin Gopinath3,4, Raymond Lanzafame2, Yajie Dong1,2 (1. University of Central Florida (United States of America), 2. QLEDcures (United States of America), 3. California Institute of Technology (United States of America), 4. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (United States of America))

Proceedings of the International Display Workshops Volume 30 (IDW '23) |Thu. Dec 7, 2023 11:10 AM - 11:30 AM |PDF Download

435 results (341 - 350)