The Japanese Biochemical Society

9:08 AM - 9:16 AM

[3T14a-02] (3P-249)Tysnd1-, a peroxisomal processing protein, deficient mice suffers fatty liver and glucose intolerance when fed a high-fat diet

Mizuno Yumi1,2, Mizuno Yosuke2, Nakachi Yutaka1,2, Ninomiya Yuichi2, Horai Yasushi3, Watanabe Mitsuhiro3,4,5, Shimozawa Nobuyuki6, Wakana Shigeharu7, Akita Masumi8, Kurochkin Igor V.9, Schoenbach Christian10,11, Okazaki Yasushi1,2 (1.Div. Transl. Res., Res. Ctr. for Genomic Med., Saitama Med. Univ., 2.Div. Funct. Genomics & Syst. Med., Res. Ctr. for Genomic Med., Saitama Med. Univ., 3.Dept. of Internal Medicine, School of Medicine, Keio University, 4.Grad. School of Media and Governance, Keio University, 5.Faculty of Environment and Information Studies, Keio University, 6.Div. of Genomics Res., Life Sci. Res. Ctr., Gifu Univ., 7.The Japan Mouse Clinic, RIKEN BRC, 8.Div. of Morphological Sci., Biomed. Res. Ctr., Saitama Med. Univ., 9.Genome and Gene Exp. Data Analysis Div., Bioinformatics. Inst., A*STAR, Singapore, 10.Dept. of Biology, School of Science and Technology, Nazarbayev Univ., Kazakhstan, 11.Center for AIDS Research, Kumamoto University)

ペルオキシソーム, Tysnd1, 高脂肪食, 超長鎖脂肪酸

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