The Japanese Biochemical Society

4:42 PM - 4:50 PM

[4T14p-10] (4P-257)Functional proteomics approach for importin α protein in mammalian spermatogenesis

Miyamoto Yoichi1,2, Arjomand Arash2, Baker Mark A.3, Li Chen2, Buckle Ashley M.2, Jans David A.2, Loveland Kate L.2,4 (1.Nat. Inst. of Biomed. Innovat., 2.Dep. of Biochem. & Mol. Biol., Monash Uni., VIC, Australia, 3.Sch. of Enviro. and Life Sci., Uni. of Newcastle, NSW, Australia, 4.Dep. of Anat. & Cell Biol., Monash Uni., VIC, Australia)

核輸送, NLS, インポーティン, 精子形成

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