The Japanese Biochemical Society

2:45 PM - 3:45 PM

[1P-364(1T16-07)] Regulation of Influenza A virus infection by a novel multivalent peptide targeting hemagglutinin

Jumpei Omi1, Miho Takahashi1, Katsura Igai2, Tseng Ching-Yi1, Yasuhiro Natori3, Makoto Yamashita4 (1.Grad. Sch. of Life. Med. Sci., Doshisha Univ., 2.Inst. of Trop. Med., Nagasaki Univ., 3.Sch. of Pharm., Univ. of Iwate Med., 4.Inst. of Med. Sci., Tokyo Univ.)

インフルエンザウイルス, ヘマグルチニン, ペプチド, 感染制御, 創薬

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