The Japanese Biochemical Society

2:45 PM - 3:45 PM

[1P-386] Property of bovine granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor from baculovirus-insect cell expression system: durability in freshly drawn cow's milk

Masato Ohta1, Mitsuhiro Miyazawa2, Tomohito Hayashi3, Yoshio Kiku3, Shigeki Inumaru4 (1.Viral infect. and Immun. Unit, Natl. Inst. of Anim. Health, 2.Molec. Biomim. Res. Unit, Inst. of Agrobiol. Sci., 3.Dairy Hygie. Unit, ,Natl. Inst. of Anim. Health, 4.Dept. of Plan. and Gen. Admin., Natl. Inst. of Anim. Health)

GM-CSF, 乳房炎, サイトカイン, 安定性, 組換えタンパク質

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