The Japanese Biochemical Society

1:30 PM - 2:45 PM

[2P-271(2T15-05)] Molecular mechanism in TMD/DS-AMkL caused by GATA1 mutation

DAISHI ISHIHARA1,2, Atsushi Hasegawa3, Satoshi Sagai2, Hiroki Kajiura2, Masayuki Yamamoto1, Ritsuko Shimizu2 (1.Department of Medical Biochemistry, Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine, 2.Department of Molecular Hematology, Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine, 3.Department of Molecular Oncology,Institute of Development,Aging and Cancer, Tohoku University)

GATA1, 一過性骨髄増殖症, 急性巨核芽球性白血病

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