The Japanese Biochemical Society

9:02 AM - 9:14 AM

[2T05-02(2P-036)] Signification of multiple cell death in the disease initiation of non-alcoholic steatohepatitis

Shinya Tsurusaki1,2, Mititaka Matsuda2, Shigeomi Shimizu3, Hiroyasu Nakano4, Atsushi Miyajima1, Minoru Tanaka2 (1.Inst. of Mol. & Cell Biosci., Univ. of Tokyo, 2.Dept. of Regenerative Med., NCGM, 3.Dept. of Pathol. Cell Biol., Med. Res. Inst. Pathol. Cell Biol., Tokyo Medical & Dental Univ., 4.Dept. of Biochem. Sch. of Med., Toho Univ.)

NASH, アポトーシス, ネクロプトーシス, フェロトーシス

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