The Japanese Biochemical Society

1:21 PM - 1:33 PM

[3T17-04(3P-345)] Anti-inflammatory action of short peptides (6, 12 amino acid residues) derived from the NF-kB co-repressor (MTI-II) - new peptide pharmaceuticals

Kazuki Okamoto1, Masaaki Sato1, Kazuki Omoteyama1, Toshiyuki Sato1, Mitsumi Arito1, Naoya Suematsu1, Manae S. Kurokawa2, Kazuo Yudoh3, Tomohiro Kato1 (1.Dept. of Clin. Proteomics & Mol. Med., St. Marianna Univ. Grad. Schl. Med., 2.Disease Biomarker Anal. Mol. Reg., St. Marianna Univ. Grad. Schl. Med., 3.Dept. of Front. Med., Inst. of Med. Sci., St. Marianna Univ. Grad. Schl. Med.)

NF-κB阻害薬, ペプチド抗炎症薬, 核内コリプレッサー, ステロイド薬

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