The Japanese Biochemical Society

10:09 AM - 10:27 AM

[1S09m-05] Local Steroids Biosynthesis and the Role of Sulfation Reactions in Liver

Jumpei Fujiki1, Naoyuki Maeda2, Michiko Sato1, Koichi Sugiyama1, Takahiro Ieko1, Hirokuni Sasaki1, Hidetomo Iwano1, Hiroshi Yokota1 (1.Laboratory of Veterinary Biochemistry, Department of Veterinary Medicine, Rakuno Gakuen University, 2.Laboratory of Meat Science and Technology, Department of Food Science and Human Wellness, Rakuno Gakuen University)


ステロイド、グルココルチコイド、硫酸抱合、Steroids-sulfatase pathway、Cytochrome P450

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