The Japanese Biochemical Society

3:00 PM - 3:10 PM

[1Z06-02(P-442)] Kinase-defective LATS2 maintains cell cortical rigidity in v-Src-expressing cells.

Masayoshi Ikeuchi1,2, Ryuzaburo Yuki1, Youhei Saito1, Takuya Honda3, Naoto Yamagushi3, Yuji Nakayama1 (1.Dept.of Biochem. & Mol.Biol., Kyoto Pharm. Univ., 2.JSPS Research Fellow, 3.Dept. of Mol. Cell Biol., Grad. Sch. of Pharm. Sci., Chiba Univ.)

キーテクノロジー:Western blotting


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