The Japanese Biochemical Society

10:02 AM - 10:20 AM

[2S04m-05] Parp-1欠損下での肝臓における異所性骨形成及び骨髄形成の増加

Mayu Isumi1, Hisako Fujiwara3, Tadashige Nozaki4, Keitaro Nakamoto1,2, Yuka Sasaki1,2, Takae Onodera1,2, Mitsuko Masutani1,2 (1.Dept. Molecular & Genomic Biomedicine, Grad. Sch. Biomed. Sci., Nagasaki Univ., 2.Lab. Collaborative Res., Div. Cell Signaling, Natl. Cancer Ctr. Res. Inst., 3.Tsurumi Univ, 4.Osaka Dental Univ)

キーテクノロジー:Gene expression analysis


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