The Japanese Biochemical Society

[P-650] Signal sensing histone demethylase regulates a concerted thermogenic response in brown adipose tissue and subcutaneous white adipose tissue in animals

Shiyu Xie1, Ryo Ito1, Myagmar Tumenjargal1, Yoshihiro Matsumura2, Takeshi Yoneshiro2, Ge Yang1, Hiroki Takahashi2, Juro Sakai1,2 (1.Division of Molecular Physiology and Metabolism, Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine, 2.Division of metabolic medicine, RCAST, the University of Tokyo)

キーテクノロジー:metabolic analysis

thermogenesis、histone demethylase、beige adipogenesis、JMJD1A、beigeing

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