
[P-035] グリコサミノグリカンの結合領域四糖の生合成に関わるb3galt6をノックアウトしたゼブラフィッシュにおけるコンドロイチン/デルマタン/ヘパラン硫酸の定量解析

Delbaere Sarah1, Clercq Adelbert De1, 水本 秀二2, Noborn Fredrik3,4, Bek Jan Willem1, Alluyn Lien1, Gistelinck Charlotte5, Syx Delfien1, Salmon Phil L.6, Coucke Paul J.1, Larson Goran3,4, 山田 修平2, Willaert Andy1, Malfait Fransiska1 (1.Cent. Med. Genet. Ghent, Dept. Biomol. Med., Ghent Univ. and Ghent Univ. Hospit., Ghent, Belgium, 2.名城大薬, 3.Dept. Lab. Med., Sahlgrenska Acad., Univ. Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden, 4.Lab. Clin. Chem., Sahlgrenska Univ. Hospit., Gothenburg, Sweden, 5.Dept. Orthopaedics Sports Med., Univ. Washington, Seattle, USA, 6.Bruker microCT, Kontich, Belgium)


[P-041] Novel lectin for brain imaging: Mapping α-galactose terminal glycoproteins in the perinodal ECM

Ea Kristine Clarisse Tulin1, Nakazawa Chiaki2, Saito Shion2, Kanai Kyoko2, Tateno Hiroaki3, Nakakita Shin-ichi4, Yoshimura Takeshi5, Tonozuka Takashi2, Ikenaka Kazuhiro6, Nishikawa Atsushi1,2 (1.United Graduate School of Agricultural Science, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, 2.Department of Applied Biological Chemistry, Graduate School of Agriculture, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, 3.Cellular and Molecular Biotechnology Research Institute, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, 4.Division of Functional Glycomics, Kagawa University, 5.Department of Child Development, Osaka University, 6.Department of Physiological Sciences, National Institute for Physiological Sciences)


[P-042] 大腸菌を用いたスギヒラタケ由来レクチンの異種発現系構築

佐藤 匠1, 鈴木 智大1, 中村 瑠奈1, 稲吉 里美2, 手塚 裕紀1, 崔 宰熏2,3, 道羅 英雄3, 笹浪 知宏2, 平井 浩文2,3, 河岸 洋和2,3 (1.宇都宮大学 バイオサイエンス教育研究センター, 2.静岡大学 グリーン科学技術研究所, 3.静岡大学 総合科学技術研究科)
