The Japanese Biochemical Society

3:00 PM - 3:15 PM

[2MS02] intra-single living cell sequencing by SS2000(YOKOGAWA)

Hiroyuki Okada (Center of Disease Biology and Integrative Medicine, the University of Tokyo)

Single cell sequencing is now a common method for scientists. Live-seq enables us to capture transcriptome of living cells (Chen, Nature, 2022 Aug), however, Live-seq could not reach subcellular components. Okada et al established intra-single cell sequencing (iSCseq) (Okada, bioRxiv 2022 Sep). iSCseq is a combinatorial method of subcellular sampling under comfocal microscopy and making cDNA library only with commercially available kit. iSCseq provides us another view of cell. will be the next core technology in cellular biology. I will share the novel technique iSCseq.