The Japanese Biochemical Society

[3P-055] Epidermal secretory phospholipase A2 metabolic pathway improves wound healing

Haruna Taniguchi1, Akira Shigenaga2, Akari Fukuta1, Honami Inubushi1, Tomohito Amano1, Haruka Hakoi1, Yoshimi Miki3, Makoto Murakami3,4, Kei Yamamoto5 (1.Graduate School of Sciences and Technology for Innovation, Tokushima University, 2.Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Fukuyama University, 3.Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo Center for Disease Biology and Integrative Medicine, 4.AMED-CREST, 5.Graduate School of Technology, Industrial and Social Science, Tokushima University)



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