The Japanese Biochemical Society

5:00 PM - 5:10 PM

[2S14e-00] Introduction

Tomoo Ogi1,2,3,4,5 (1.Department of Genetics, Research Institute of Environmental Medicine (RIEM), Nagoya University, 2.Department of Human Genetics and Molecular Biology, Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine, 3.Genomic Analysis section, Medical Genomics Center, Nagoya University Hospital, 4.Center for One Medicine Innovative Translational Research (COMIT), Tokai National Higher Education and Research System, 5.Institute for Glyco-core Research (iGCORE), Tokai National Higher Education and Research System)

キーテクノロジー:Next-generation sequencing

DNA repair、Replication、Genome instability、CRISPR-Cas9、Transcription

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