The Japanese Biochemical Society

12:45 PM - 1:05 PM

[2SL04-01] Metabolite analysis by fully automated SPE-GC/MS and SPE-LC/MS

Ryoichi Sasano (AiSTI SCIECNCE CO., LTD.)

Recently, pretreatment by solid-phase extraction (SPE) has become increasingly automated, but the process of placing the pretreated liquid into a vial and setting it in the measurement device is still manual. To solve this problem, AiSTI SCIENCE has developed an on-line SPE system to fully automate all processes from pretreatment to measurement. By simply setting the sample in this system, the entire process from pretreatment to measurement is performed, thereby improving the speed, accuracy, efficiency, and high-throughput of analysis. We have also developed solid-phase derivatization methods using that system. Here, we introduce those systems and examples of analysis.