一般社団法人 日本医療情報学会

[AP2-E2-1-01] Governance for Realization of Medical, Nursing and Administration Data Integration System

*Yoshiaki Fukami1,2, Yoshimasa Masuda1,3 (1. Graduate School of Media and Governance, Keio University, Japan, 2. Department of Management, Faculty of Economics, Gakushuin University, Japan, 3. The School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University, United States of America)

Electronic Health Records, Integrated Care, Data Linkage, Architecture Management

Coordination of medical, nursing, and administrative data is important for the realization of comprehensive community care. Tamba city has succeeded to develop an immunization implementation determination system with utilizing data of vaccination ledger at clinics through sending closed network. Tamba City in Japan has forged ahead with the development of a medical and healthcare information sharing system among the municipal office, clinics, pharmacies and nursing care ser-vices to promote a comprehensive care community. We discuss governance forms that will realize the establishment of a regional comprehensive care system through analysis of the case analysis of Tamba City, which continues to develop, introduce, and update the continuous medical, nursing and administration data integration system with Assessment meta-model in Architecture Board in AIDAF. The lack of a commonly adopted data architecture is an impediment to utilization and must be addressed along with the non-technical challenges. The development of a coordinated governance structure is necessary to achieve discussion and consensus building to resolve such areas.