Japan Association for Medical Informatics

[AP3-E2-1-03] A Way of Practical Establishing a Nationwide Shared Dataset for the Continuity of Care, Based on International Standard Dataset

*Melaku Haile Likka1, Yukio Kurihara2 (1. Medical Graduate School, Graduate School of Integrated Arts and Sciences, Kochi University, Japan, 2. Division of Health Informatics, Medical School, Kochi University, Japan)

Standardization, Dataset, Patient Summary, Patient Profile

In order to serve the best fitted care to a patient, the health professional has to know full background, which is patient profile, related to this pa-tient's health in addition to the present illness. However, it is very difficult to identify widely acceptable contents of patient profile information (PPI). Here we tried to find a dataset which is very similar to that of PPI and widely accepted. The dataset of the international patient summary was assigned to such a dataset to establish a standard dataset of PPI.