一般社団法人 日本医療情報学会

[SKS-2-01] Role of Health Informatics for Patient Engagement

*Hyeoun-Ae Park1, Naoki Nakashima2, Yuandong Hu3, Yu-Chuan (Jack) Li4 (1. College of Nursing, Seoul National University, Korea, 2. Medical Information Center, Kyushu University Hospital, Japan, 3. Guizhou Provincial Center for Disease Control, China, 4. College of Medical science and Technology, Taipei Medical University, Taiwan)

Health Informatics, Patient Engagement, Consumer Engagement

Advancements in health information technology (HIT) and its increasingly ubiquitous nature expand the ability to engage patients in the health care process and motivate health be-havior change. We reviewed literatures on patient engage-ment to identify the key drivers, the state of art, and the areas of patient engagement, and the technologies used for patient engagement. We also reviewed achievements in patient en-gagement through HIT in four countries of APAMI region, South Korea, Japan, China and Taiwan. We described the state of the art and benefits of patient engagement, six areas of patient engagement, and multiple technologies in use in patient engagement, defined the issues of health literacy, healthcare information technology literacy to achieve quali-ty outcomes and safe healthcare.