Japan Association for Medical Informatics

[2-I-2-05] Status of registry construction and clinical research system using AI of the Japanese Ophthalmological Society

*KENJI KASHIWAGI1 (1. Japanese Ophthalmological Society)

Japanese Ophthalmological Society, information and communication technology, Japan Ocular Imaging Registry, Japan Ophthalmic Instrument Association

The Japanese Ophthalmological Society has been working on a project to build a database infrastructure for images and other medical data using information and communication technology and artificial intelligence (AI) for next-generation ophthalmology. We has been working on the construction of a comprehensive and long-term collection system for ophthalmology data, and the construction of an ecosystem for analyzing the collected data in cooperation with data scientists and others, and delivering the results to society. We established the Japan Ocular Imaging Registry as a registry system to serve as a basis for data collection, and established an incorporated association as its operating body. In addition, for the purpose of academic support, we established the Japanese Society of Artificial Intelligence in Ophthalmology, which is the first society in clinical medicine to specialize in AI. With these two organizations at the core, we are currently working to proceed our purposes. We now is promoting joint research with data scientists around Japan, led by the National Institute of Informatics. In addition, we have established a full cooperative relationship with the Japan Ophthalmic Instrument Association (JOIA), to which almost all ophthalmic instruments and products are manufactured and sold. In this context, G-DATA, a venture related to the JOIA, was established with the main task of promoting the spread of AI-equipped medical devices. As our first task, we are constructing a screening system for ocular fundus diseases. In this project, we have developed a system to comprehensively determine frequent fundus diseases using fundus photographs. In addition, we are actively working on the application of this system to other ophthalmic diseases. I would like to present the efforts and issues that the Japanese Ophthalmological Society is promoting.