Japan Association for Medical Informatics

[4-D-3-02] Data Analysis Method for Visualizing Patient Status Before and After Dosing

*Kaori Kusuda1, Ryoma Seto1, Susumu Wakabayashi2 (1. Division of Healthcare Informatics, Toyo Healthcare University, 2. Pharmacy, Kyorin University Hospital)

Medication, Patient Condition, Nursing Data Sets

The administration of drugs by nurses and other healthcare professionals involves a number of assumptions (e.g., patient status, work of nurses and other healthcare professionals, etc.). Therefore, when advancing drug DX, it is also important to analyze the background of the prescription, not just the prescription information. These situations could include (1) if pain medications were used, what was the pain scale value, (2) if antipyretics were used, what was the body temperature to begin with and how many degrees did it drop to after the dose, and (3) how many days went by without a bowel movement before laxatives were given? This background information would also be important in the drug DX. These symptom control medications may not be drugs for the primary injury, but in reality, they are extremely frequently prescribed, making them an important topic from the standpoints of health care economics, quality of patient care, and workload reduction. However, until now, there have been limitations in conducting such analyses because there were not enough standard data sets to analyze patient behavior before and after medication administration. As a turning point, in 2022, JAHIS published the JAHIS technical document "Guide for the Application of Nursing Data Sets," which has gradually increased momentum for conducting such analyses. Therefore, the authors have conducted a trial study to see what improvements can be made in the existing data as an opportunity for some improvement activities related to symptom control medications.