Japan Association for Medical Informatics

551 results (211 - 220)

[3-E-1] Japanese and International Efforts to Utilize HL7 FHIR for Clinical Research and Trials - Introduction to Case Studies of JASPEHR Template to Collect Clinical Data Directly from EHRs and the Vision for Clinical Development of HL7 Vulcan. –

*Kengo Miyo1,5,8, Hiroshi Okamura2, Yoshihiro Aoyagi3, Kazuhiro Suzuki4, Hiroyuki Hoshimoto5, Keiko Ota2,7, Masamichi Ishii5, Mika Ogasawara6 (1. Japan Health Research Promotion Bureau, 2. Osaka Metropolitan University Hospital , 3. National Cancer Center Hospital East, 4. Cancer Institute Hospital of JFCR, 5. National Center for Global Health and Medicine , 6. Pfizer R&D Japan G.K., 7. Ehime University Graduate School of Medicine, 8. Graduate School of Medicine, the University of Tokyo)

The 43rd Joint Conference on Medical Informatics |PDF Download

551 results (211 - 220)