The Molecular Biology Society of Japan

10:45 AM - 11:10 AM

[3AS11-5] Cryo-EM and X-ray laser imaging of entire large and giant amoebal viruses.

Kenta Okamoto1, Naoyuki Miyazaki2, Chihong Song2, Max Hantke1, Hemanth Kumar1, Chantal Abergel3, Jean-Michel Claverie3, Janos Hajdu1, Kazuyoshi Murata2, 〇Martin Svenda1 (1.Mol. Biophys. lab., Dept. of Cell Mol. Biol., 2.EM group, 3.Struct. Genom. Info. lab.)

Virus structure, Giant amoeba virus, Giant amoebal virus, electron cryo-microscope, cryo-EM, cryoEM, coherent X-ray laser imaging, CXI, CXDI, Pithovirus, Mimivirus, Marseillevirus

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