特定非営利活動法人 日本分子生物学会

[3P-0194] Irregular transcription of the dystrophin gene in colon cancer HCT116 cell line: no conventional transcript but 6 transcripts with intron retention out of 9 examined short introns

〇Emma Niba1、Chika Maeda1、Kenta Iwane1、Atsushi Nishida1、Masaaki Matsumoto2、Hiroyuki Awano2、Tomoko Lee3、Yasuhiro Takeshima3、Hisahide Nishio4、Masafumi Matsuo1 (1.Dept of Phy. The., Fac. of Reha., Kobe Gakuin. Univ.、2.Dept. of Ped., Kobe Univ. Grad. Sch. of Med.、3.Dept. of Ped., Hyogo College of Med.、4.Dept. of Com. Med. and Soc. Healthcare Sci., Kobe Univ. Grad. Sch. of Med.)

Dystrophin , Colon cancer, Splicing, Intron retention

