The Molecular Biology Society of Japan

[3P-0781(1AS8-3)] Nardilysin in brown adipose tissue regulates adaptive thermogenesis and body temperature homeostasis.

〇Sayaka Saijo1, Yoshinori Hiraoka2, Mikiko Ohno1, Kiyoto Nishi1, Yusuke Morita1, Shintaro Matsuda1, Toru Kita3, Takeshi Kimura1, Eiichiro Nishi1 (1.Dept. of Cardiovascular Med, Grad Sch. of Med, Kyoto Univ., 2.Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sci., Kobe gakuin Univ., 3.Kobe City Medical Ctr General Hosp)

UCP1, brown adipose tissue, adaptive thermogenesis, non shivering themogenesis, nardilysin

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