The Molecular Biology Society of Japan

9:40 AM - 10:00 AM

[1AW-17-3] Identification of microbiome-derived metabolite which suppresses diet-induced obesity

○Natsumi Seki1,2, Yuuki Sugiura3, Masahiro Akiyama1, Shinji Fukuda4, Naohiro Inohara5, Gabriel Nunez5, Koji Hase2, Yun-Gi Kim1 (1.Research center for Drug Discovery, Faculty of Pharmacy and Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Science, Keio University, 2.Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy and Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Science, Keio University, 3.Department of Biochemistry, Keio University School of Medicine, 4.Institute for Advanced Biosciences, Keio University, 5.Department of Pathology, Comprehensive Cancer Center, the University of Michigan Medical School)

obesity, microbiota

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