The Molecular Biology Society of Japan

[1P-0255] Elucidation of gut microbiota-associated lipids using LC-MS/MS and 16S rRNA sequence analyses

Shu Yasuda1,2, ○Nobuyuki Okahashi1,3, Hiroshi Tsugawa1,4, Yusuke Ogata1, Kazutaka Ikeda1,5, Wataru Suda1, Hiroyuki Arai2, Masahira Hattori1,6, Makoto Arita1,7,8 (1.IMS, Riken, 2.Grad. Sch, of Pharm. Sci., Univ. of Tokyo, 3.Grad. Sch. of Info. Sci. Tech., Osaka Univ., 4.CSRS, Riken, 5.Kazusa DNA Res. Inst., 6.Facul. of Sci. Eng., Waseda Univ, 7.Grad. Sch. of Pharm. Sci., Keio Univ., 8.Grad.Sch. of Med. Life Sci., Yokohama City Univ.)

Microbiome, Untargeted lipidomics, 16S rRNA sequence

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